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Mecklenburg County:

Contact: Kay Roper. We Owner Finance w/ No Prepayment Penalty!!

If interested in any property: Click here for contact info


PARCEL 1: 98.05 ACRES all in 22 year old pine plantation. Property lays well with 1000 foot of road frontage on St. Rt. 671 (Callahan Road) and is zoned agricultural. There is approx. 88 acres in 22 year old pine plantation and 10 acres in 10 year old pine plantation. This is a wonderful investment piece. $249,000.00
PARCEL 3: 703 ACRES. 1.2 MILES OF ROAD FRONTAGE on St. Rt. 677 (Mount Plesant Road). There is also access in off of Highway 92. THERE IS 5 ACRES OF 20 YEAR OLD PINE. 215 ACRES OF 17 YEAR OLD PINE. 174 ACRES OF 16 YEAR OLD PINE. 140 ACRES OF PINE SEDDLING PLANTED IN 2006. 140 ACRESOF PINE SEEDLING PLANTED IN 2007. $1,750,000.00
DIVISIONS ON THE 703 ACREPIECE all with lots of road frontage and small pines.
LOT 2: 18.13 ACRES $49,000.00
LOT 3: 33.78 ACRES $89,000.00
LOT 4: 33.16 ACRES $89,000.00
LOT 5: 61.23 ACRES $139,000.00
LOT 6: 76.63 ACRES $189,000.00
LOT 7: 32.96 ACRES $89,000.00
LOT 8: 8.29 ACRES $39,000.00
460 ACRE PIECE (BALANCE OF 703 ACRE PIECE.) $1,150,000.00
PARCEL 4: 61.74 ACRES zoned agricultural with Allen Creek meandering along the western edge of the property. Property is located 5 miles East of Chase City. There is approx. 2400 feet of road frontage on the southeast side of State Route 680 (Sweewater Lane). It contains
approx. 58 acres of 16 year old pines and 3 acres of 5 year old pines.
PARCEL 6: 67.5 ACRES zoned agricultural and fronting on Allen Creek. There is a 35 foot right of way to St. Rt. 660 (Old Cox Road) to the property. The property is located approx. 3.75 acres miles North of Boydon and 9.25 miles South of Chase City. The property contains47 acres of 2 year old pines. $159,000.00
PARCEL 7: 36.26 acres zoned agricultural and off an easement from St. Rt. 678 (Antlers Road). Kettle creek meanders through the property. The property is located 7 miles southeast of Boydton and approx. 3.8 miles northwest of John H. Kerr Dam. Athe property has approx. 22 acres of 14 year old pines with the remainder in streamside management zones.$110,000.00
PARCELS 8 and 9:10 .82 acres and and 22.8 acres currently zoned agricultural. The
property is off an easement to St. Rt. 662 (Wingham Road). The property is completely wooded with approx. 25 acres of 1999 planted pines. The remainder is a natural mix of hardwoods and pines along the river. The northern boundary of the 10.82 acres is the Meherrin River. The property is located just North of Drapersville and approx. 8.75 miles East of Chase City. The total of 33.62 acres sells for: $99,000.00
PARCELS 12 and 13: These 2.5 acre lots in near Prestwould Plantation and Prestwould subdivision have frontage on Prestwould Drive. They are wooded with 7 year old pines and are located approx. 3.2 miles away from Clarksville. $150,000 EACH

This beautiful property fronts on St. Rt. 677/Mount Plesant Road. It is in gorgeous planted pines about 20 years old. These pines were thinned about 6 years ago. There is 1.2 miles of road frontage which would allow this property to be cut into about 50 lots if so desired. $449,000.00
255 acres with timber reserved and road frontage on 92. Creeks and small stream. $310,000.00
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